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Tag: balance exercise


It isn’t just luck! Balance is extremely important. We know that balance is important as we age, and tends to get more difficult; however, it is important for other things, too. Balance is especially important for the following: Ankle, knee or hip injuries, both for prevention and in recovery from any of these injuries. Running […]

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Single Leg Dead Lift

Keep your thoughts positive as you try this challenging balance, hamstring and glute exercise! Do not get discouraged or frustrated with this challenging single leg exercise! Balancing exercises can be difficult and you may need to fight every second you’re in it to simply stay on your feet and not fall over! This is completely […]

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Ankle Strengthening Exercises using a flat band

Help improve your daily life by keeping your ankles strong! If you haven’t had an ankle injury in a while you might forget just how crucial they are to many strength or cardio exercises! If you HAVE had an ankle injury lately, you know just how much it can limit your workout options and generally […]

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